1. General
The following general terms and conditions are an integral part of all contracts with Nancy Heuer, hereinafter referred to as Heuer Physio Star.
Deviations and ancillary agreements must be made in writing and signed by both parties. Conflicting or deviating provisions in the general terms and conditions of contractual partners shall not become part of the contract. Verbal statements are generally non-binding.
2. Treatment, participation, results
Heuer Physio Star provides its services to the customer or patient in such a way that it applies its knowledge and skills in the practice of medicine to advise, diagnose and treat the patient. All therapies are carried out in consultation with the client or patient, who undertakes to answer all questions about themselves, their health and the course of therapy to date comprehensively and truthfully. As a rule, active participation by the client or patient improves the course of therapy.
Expected or predefined results or progress of the therapy or training can neither be guaranteed nor promised. The course of therapy is documented.
Therapy can only take place in a pleasant, relaxed atmosphere characterized by trust. This also means that the patient or client must provide suitable premises for the treatment at home. If this is not possible, Heuer Physio Star may seek external premises by mutual agreement; the additional costs shall be borne by the patient or customer.
Special requirements apply to certain treatment methods, e.g. Pilates Reformer Training. Not all treatments can be booked online.
Heuer Physio Star is entitled to terminate the treatment if the necessary relationship of trust no longer appears to exist, in particular if the customer or patient negates the contents of the consultation, provides the necessary information on the medical history and diagnosis incorrectly or incompletely or thwarts therapeutic measures.
At the first appointment, the findings will be recorded. Please have any existing medical findings, e.g. x-rays and MRIs, ready at the appointment. According to the law, physiotherapists are generally subject to documentation requirements.
The customer or patient has a right to information about their data, please contact us directly.
All patient data is subject to data protection in accordance with the current version of the Data Protection Act (currently September 2023). Details are regulated in the data protection agreement.
Treatment is not possible without the patient signing the patient form and the data protection agreement before the start of treatment.
Furthermore, it is not possible to start treatment if the patient fails to present a valid medical prescription.
3. Appointments
Appointments are part of the contractual agreement and are scheduled in such a way as to best support the success of the treatment. It is therefore important that the agreed appointments are kept. If an appointment cannot be kept for an important reason, Heuer Physio Star must be notified at least 24 hours in advance. If the notification is missed or delayed, the customer or patient will be charged for the costs of the unattended appointment.
If the client or patient is late or there are delays in keeping the appointment, the patient is not entitled to compensation for the unused treatment time and the appointment will be charged in full. As a rule, the costs will not be reimbursed by the cost bearer.
If Heuer Physio Star is unable to come to an appointment or is late for reasons for which it is not responsible, it will contact the patient or customer without delay. Depending on the circumstances and agreement, the appointment can then be canceled, postponed or rescheduled. There are no further claims against Heuer Physio Star.
Appointments can be booked via the website and online. This is not possible for certain therapies or services. Please contact Heuer Physio Star.
4. Liability
Any liability for damages to the customer or patient resulting from non-compliance with the general terms and conditions or due to misconduct/negligence on the part of the customer or patient, or due to incomplete, incorrect or false information regarding his/her health condition and/or previous therapy, is excluded.
5. Billing
For the time being, Heuer Physio Star will offer its services to self-pay patients, only. Billing via KVG and UVG is planned for a later stage.
Self-paying clients or patients receive interim invoices according to the progress of the treatment and a final invoice at the end of the treatment or service.
6. Prices / Terms of payment
All prices are subject to change. The rates in the current pricelist apply, unless Heuer Physio Star has agreed an individual fee with the customer or patient. A distance fee may be charged for customers or patients living at a distance.
The fees/private invoices for each treatment appointment must be paid to Heuer Physio Star in cash or by electronic payment method against confirmation of payment. At the end of the treatment phase or upon request, the customer or patient will receive an invoice.
In principle, invoicing shall take place upon provision of the contractually agreed service and payment shall be made in accordance with the agreed method of payment. The payment period is 14 days strictly net. The days on which payment is received shall be decisive.
If payment terms are exceeded, Heuer Physio Star shall be entitled to charge default interest at the usual bank rate and reminder fees of currently CHF 5. Default of payment leads to the immediate maturity of all outstanding claims of Heuer Physio Star against the customer or the patient. In the event of debt collection or debt enforcement or the return of a correct direct debit, a processing fee of currently 20 Swiss francs will be charged in addition to the collection or debt enforcement costs and the costs charged by the banks and payment system service providers.
If there are doubts about the customer's or patient's liquidity, Heuer Physio Star is entitled to demand advance payments. If the customer or patient is in arrears with his or her obligations, Heuer Physio Star is entitled to discontinue treatment immediately, subject to other claims. Any costs incurred as a result will be invoiced and any resulting claims for damages will be asserted.
7. Changes
Heuer Physio Star reserves the right to change these general terms and conditions, service descriptions, prices, etc. at any time without giving reasons and without prior notice. Existing agreements remain unaffected.
These changes will be communicated in an appropriate place, e.g. on the Heuer Physio Star website. Upon request, the general terms and conditions will be handed over to the customer or patient.
8. Other conditions
The customer or patient confirms that he/she is at least 18 years of age and has full legal capacity. Swiss law applies.
9. Severability clause
Should a provision of these contractual terms and conditions be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the other provisions. If only one part of a provision of these terms and conditions is invalid, the other part shall remain valid. An invalid provision shall be replaced by the contracting parties with a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid contractual provision.
Please note: The above text has been translated by us from German into English and reflects the German version to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, binding is the German version.