

Legally responsible provider for the content under the domain

Nancy Heuer
Phone: +41 77 809 26 49

Postal address:
Sandgrubenstrasse 44
4058 Basel

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All content on this website has been created with the utmost care, but no guarantee can be given for the accuracy, completeness and up-to-dateness of the content. Please contact us directly for binding information. The content of external websites linked to from this website is the sole responsibility of their providers.


The texts and images on this website are protected by copyright. Any type of reproduction, processing, distribution and utilization requires the prior written consent of the author. Third-party content is identified as such on this website. Brand logos as an incidental or inseparable part of illustrations (e.g. on devices, clothing, cars or in the background) are protected by trademark and copyright law and are the property of the respective manufacturer. Should you become aware of a copyright infringement despite all due care, please notify us in the interests of damage limitation so that we can act immediately.

Product images courtesy of the manufacturers. There is no contractual, sales or other business relationship between Nancy Heuer / Physio Star and the manufacturers of the equipment shown here. The illustrations are exemplary and for illustrative purposes only.

Studio photos © (Fotohaus Trefzger, Lörrach)
Stock photos © (License status 3/2024)
Webdesign, Texts: (Marion Brandes Design)
Technical realization, PHP programming: (Levent Gülec, PHP Freelancer)